The Puzzle - Peace from the Puzzle

Narcissistic Puzzle Peace

Find "peace from the puzzle," in more ways than one. Emotional abuse is an unfair puzzle that can keep you confused, frustrated, and manipulated into pounding a puzzle piece until it somehow fits a picture of happiness (mysteriously shown only on it's 'cover'). To trade these pieces into one peace, awareness has to win. Specifically, we'll need awareness of "the puzzle."

The Puzzle

Emotional abuse is the only riddle with confusion itself as the main character. It depends on it's people staying in the dark, finding comfort in denial, and even blaming themselves! But everyone deserves the bigger picture to see what's really happening to their energy, their motivations, and... the Narcissistic People causing it.

Relationship Signs

Beyond the DSM’s Criteria of a Narcissist, here are some ‘red flags’ specifically from their target's point of view:

Signs of a Narcissist

The Riddle

It all starts with a short riddle of The Starving Restaurant which tours the common phrases, stages, and toxic tactics associated with emotional abuse from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. With symbolism included, find yourself and your own situation in this short mystery. And afterwards you can take The Starving Restaurant in a way we call Seen-By-Scene. From definitions, to techniques, to examples, it's ultimately an Instant Replay of you and your own experiences.

This riddle is designed to facilitate answers off these pages, in your own predicaments. It will inform and entertain immediate concerns like:

The Answer

Finally Outsmart Them & Their Toxic Ways
for emotional abuse recovery.

Experience 10 New Ways to Outsmart Emotional Abuse

The Traits vs. The Narcissist

Tolerating a Narcissist is completely different from merely experiencing narcissistic traits. While the mere traits feel "I'm... too sexy for my shirt," a Narcissist feels "so sexy, they'll hurt" anyone who embarrasses their fragile ego! From appearance, to reputation, to their perspective, this song never stops in the toxic concert of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Over time their ego becomes an unnatural inner bond. So a narcissistic parent's favorite child is their inner child; their real kids exist only to serve the parent's ego. And in the same fashion, a lover to a Narcissist is actually the third wheel. Proof? Where is their energy (not empty words) to fight and nurture, above anything or anyone else? It's a 'twisted design!'

So start The Riddle as your emotional health deserves The Answer

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What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
DSM IV recognizes Narcissistic Personality Disorder as:

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: